[Salon] Israel's Governing Extremists Are Now Galloping Towards Annexation - Opinion - Haaretz.com

Title: Israel's Governing Extremists Are Now Galloping Towards Annexation - Opinion - Haaretz.com
Sharing this not as an article about Israel but for its relevance to U.S. politics, given how Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis made themselves full partners and collaborators, as co-ideologists, with the Israeli fascists described here in achieving their fascist objectives. I know that will offend the Trumpites/DeSantisites, the so-called "New Right”  here, especially those whose state party exemplifies the most radical of these fascists, as epitomized by John Hagee’s so-called “ministry” in their state. And the readily identifiable “political/legal theory” of a Conservative ideologist who established a “Politics” program at the University of Dallas to propagate his Straussian/Schmittian ideology, as obviously influential in Texas Republicans, and with co-ideologists in Israel, sufficiently that it merits its own ideological name: Kendallianism.

As paraphrasing this NR/Washington Free Beacon article makes clear, and as Mussolini himself said the same about Fascist Italy:

"in favor of the “deliberate sense of the community” expressed through the symbols, traditions, and institutions of the Israeli founding."

"Kendall’s philosophy was well summarized by his protégés Buckley and Bozell in McCarthy and His Enemies: “Not only is it characteristic of society to create institutions and to defend them with sanctions. Societies must do so — or else they cease to exist. The members of a society must share certain values if that society is to cohere; and cohere it must if it is to survive. In order to assert and perpetuate these values, it must do constant battle against competing values.”

"What McCarthyism was really about, Kendall said, was the ability of society to uphold “a hard core of shared beliefs” by excluding “ideas and opinions contrary” to its self-understanding.

To paraphrase: “Smotrich,” in his view, was defending the traditional Israeli Radical-Right consensus not only against “Palestinians” in government, but also against liberals, who view Israel as “a society in which all questions are open questions, a society dedicated to the proposition that no truth in particular is true, a society, in Justice Jackson’s phrase, in which no one can speak properly of an orthodoxy — over against which any belief, however immoral, however extravagant, can be declared heretical and thus proscribed.” It was this clash of fundamentally opposed understandings of “Israeli” democracy that propelled “Smotrich” to the center of politics and endowed the controversy over his public career with “genuine civil war potential.”

Israel's Governing Extremists Are Now Galloping Towards Annexation - Opinion - Haaretz.com

Israel's Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich is playing political chess, while the opposition to the government’s judicial overhaul plan is playing checkers.

The opposition wants to keep as many game pieces on the board as possible to protect the institutions and processes that assure checks and balances in Israel’s system of government. Smotrich, in contrast, wants to remove – in fact, destroy – as many pieces as possible, to clear the way for him and his extreme right-wing allies to attain their real goal: “victory” over the Palestinian people, annexation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem and burial of the two-state paradigm for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

For now, everyone is observing the rules of the game –legislation initiated by the Netanyahu government and mass demonstrations across the country – but their strategies are being played out at cross-purposes. Israel's opposition has done an amazing job of mobilizing a significant cross-section of Israelis to protest the government’s plans, reflecting the population’s pluralistic composition and the strongly-held view that the legislation will impair Israel’s democracy.

The rallying cry has been to save Israeli democracy by preserving the only real check on a government’s legislative overreach: the independence of the Supreme Court when it sits as the High Court of Justice. Without the carefully balanced method of selecting justices that has worked smoothly and fairly for almost 70 years, a governing coalition could stack the court and remove any possibility of judicial review.

Indeed, the court’s ability to review legislation and even its unusual power to decide on the reasonableness of government policies and practices, have worked to protect the rights of citizens on both the left and the right, as well as those under occupation, in a situation where there is no constitution and no bill of rights.

A standoff between pro-democracy demonstrators and police officers in Tel Aviv.

A standoff between pro-democracy demonstrators and police officers in Tel Aviv.Credit: Itay Ron

To Smotrich and the extremists who built this legislative overhaul, the proposals are but a means to an end. Smotrich has argued for years for a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that reduces the Palestinians to second-class residents in an Israel that has annexed the occupied territories and whose citizens enjoy all the rights that the annexed Palestinians do not.

To Smotrich, the enemy has been the peace process. He believes that an independent Palestinian state – an outcome of a negotiated two-state solution – would present a mortal danger to the State of Israel. Israel must “win” and the Palestinians must “lose,” which to him means they must give up on the idea of national rights and accept their second-class status in Israel, leave the country or be killed should they continue resistance.

Smotrich has calculated correctly that, should the protest movement understand his real motives, it would split and perhaps disintegrate; there are many protesters who want to preserve Israeli democracy but are not ready to protest more settlements or annexation.

Smoke is seen from Israel's side during a raid on Jenin refugee camp in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, Salem checkpoint, in July 2023.

Smoke is seen from Israel's side during a raid on Jenin refugee camp in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, Salem checkpoint, in July 2023.Credit: RONEN ZVULUN/ REUTERS

For Smotrich, his strategy advances whether or not the bills do: If the Knesset passes them, many obstacles to annexation and settlement expansion will be removed. If it doesn’t, for whatever reason, he and his fellow extremists will demand and likely receive “compensation” from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the form of more resources for settlements, “legalization” of illegal outposts and other measures designed to ties the settlements and settlers more firmly to the Israeli legal system.

Smotrich and the settler movement more generally have long made clear that they value the land and the state’s Jewish identity far more than its democratic character. They are honest enough to admit that the outcome they seek will be less than fully democratic, but that is a price they are willing to pay to assure eternal Israeli control over all of the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea and the complete defeat of the Palestinian national movement.

To not understand this, or to fail to appreciate the dangers of Smotrich’s long game, is to be duped into believing that slowing down or moderating the coalition’s proposed judicial overhaul would be sufficient. It would not be. The only serious way to push back against the extremism that has taken over Israel’s governing coalition is to push back hard against both the extreme aspects of the proposed legislation and what used to be creeping annexation of the occupied territories, but is now galloping annexation.

Daniel Kurtzer is the S. Daniel Abraham Professor of Middle East Policy Studies at the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs. During a 30-year diplomatic career, in diplomacy, he served as the U.S. ambassador to Israel and as the U.S. ambassador to Egypt. Twitter: @DanKurtzer

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